
Summary Included libraries Package variables Description General documentation Methods

Package variables top
No package variables defined.
Included modulestop
Inherit top
No synopsis!
The DUC::Evaluation is the main class for MEADeval, an evaluation 
tool for summarizers, both abstractive and extractive.

TODO: Change this class's name from DUC::Evaluation to MEAD::Evaluation.
_set_overlapNo descriptionCode
bigram_overlapNo descriptionCode
cosineNo descriptionCode
kappaNo descriptionCode
normalized_relative_utilityNo descriptionCode
precisionNo descriptionCode
precisionwNo descriptionCode
recallNo descriptionCode
recallwNo descriptionCode
relative_utilityNo descriptionCode
relevance_correlationNo descriptionCode
simple_cosineNo descriptionCode
unigram_overlapNo descriptionCode

Methods description

Methods code

sub _set_overlap {
    my ($s1, $s2) = @_;

    my %s1 = %$s1;
    my %s2 = %$s2;
    my $overlap = 0;

    foreach my $key (keys %s1) {
        if ($s2{$key}) {

    return $overlap;
sub bigram_overlap {
    my ($text1, $text2) = @_;

    ## better way to split?  Maybe get rid of some punctuation???
my @tokens1 = split(/ /, $text1); my @tokens2 = split(/ /, $text2); my %set1 = (); my %set2 = (); my $bigram; my $last; $last = scalar(@tokens1) - 1; for (my $i = 0; $i < $last; $i++) { if ($tokens1[$i] le $tokens1[$i+1]) { $bigram = "$tokens1[$i]#$tokens1[$i+1]"; } else { $bigram = "$tokens1[$i+1]#$tokens1[$i]"; } $set1{$bigram}++; } $last = scalar(@tokens2) - 1; for (my $i = 0; $i < $last; $i++) { if ($tokens2[$i] le $tokens2[$i+1]) { $bigram = "$tokens2[$i]#$tokens2[$i+1]"; } else { $bigram = "$tokens2[$i+1]#$tokens2[$i]"; } $set2{$bigram}++; } my $overlap = _set_overlap(\%set1,\%set2); my $normalized = $overlap /
( scalar(keys(
%set1)) + scalar(keys(%set2)) - $overlap);
return $normalized;
sub cosine {
    my ($text1, $text2, $idf_file) = @_;

    if ($idf_file) {

    ## better way to split...
my @tokens1 = split(/ /, $text1); my @tokens2 = split(/ /, $text2); my %set1; my %set2; ## TODO: do we need to lowercase all these tokens???
foreach my $token (@tokens1) { $set1{$token}++; } foreach my $token (@tokens2) { $set2{$token}++; } foreach my $key (keys %set1) { $set1{$key} *= get_nidf($key); } foreach my $key (keys %set2) { $set2{$key} *= get_nidf($key); } my $norm1 = 0; my $norm2 = 0; my $cos = 0; foreach my $key (keys %set1) { my $val = $set1{$key}; $norm1 += $val * $val; if ($set2{$key}) { $cos += $val * $set2{$key}; } } foreach my $key (keys %set2) { my $val = $set2{$key}; $norm2 += $val * $val; } if ($cos == 0) { return $cos; } $cos = $cos / sqrt($norm1 * $norm2);
return $cos;
sub kappa {
    my ($num_sentences, @extracts) = @_;

    my $no_annotators = scalar @extracts;

    ## first, make a list of the judges' decisions.
my %judges; my $i = 0; ##the judge index.
foreach my $extract (@extracts) { $i++; foreach my $s (1..$extract->get_num_sentences) { my $did = $extract->get_DID_for_sentence($s); my $sno = $extract->get_SNO_for_sentence($s); $judges{$i}{"$did#$sno"} = 1; } } ## make a list of the sentences used.
my %sentences; foreach my $judgeid (1..$no_annotators) { my %sids = %{$judges{$judgeid}}; foreach my $sid (keys %sids) { $sentences{$sid} = 1; ## just define it as something.
} } ## create some fake sentences...
$num_sentences -= scalar keys %sentences; foreach my $i (1..$num_sentences) { $sentences{"fakesentence$i"} = 1; } ## now fill up %count and %decision.
## TODO: we can do this whole damn thing way more efficiently...
my %count; my %decision; foreach my $sid (keys %sentences) { foreach my $judgeid (1..$no_annotators) { if ($judges{$judgeid}{$sid}) { $decision{$sid}{$judgeid} = 1; $count{$sid}{1}++; } else { $decision{$sid}{$judgeid} = 0; $count{$sid}{0}++; } } } ## go about calculating P(A), P(E), and Kappa.
my $N = 0; my %columnsum = (); my %p = (); my $rowsum = 0; my $P_A = 0; my $P_E = 0; my $kappa; foreach my $id ( sort keys %count ){ $N++; my $sum_per_line = 0; foreach my $cat ( keys %{ $count{ $id }} ){ $rowsum += ( $count{ $id }{ $cat } * ( $count{ $id }{ $cat } - 1 ) ) /
$no_annotators * ($no_annotators - 1));
$columnsum{ $cat } += $count{ $id }{ $cat }; $sum_per_line += $count{ $id }{ $cat }; } if ($no_annotators ne $sum_per_line){ print STDERR "Warning: Something wrong with your kappa table at id $id, $no_annotators (annotators) , $sum_per_line (sum per line)\n"; } } ## calculate P(A)
if ( $N ne 0 ){ $P_A = $rowsum / $N;
} else { print STDERR "\n---No lines qualified---\n\n"; } ## calculate P(E)
foreach my $cat ( keys %columnsum ){ $p{$cat} = $columnsum{$cat} / ( $N * $no_annotators );
$P_E += ( $columnsum{$cat} / ($N * $no_annotators) ) *
$columnsum{$cat} / ($N * $no_annotators )) ; } ## calculate kappa
unless ($P_E == 1.0){ $kappa = ( $P_A - $P_E ) / ( 1 - $P_E );
} else { print STDERR "WARNING: P_E == $P_E\n"; } ## TODO: return a tuple of things...
return $kappa;
sub normalized_relative_utility {
    my ($extract, $sentjudge) = @_;

    my $random = $sentjudge->expected_random_performance
    my $judges = $sentjudge->average_judge_performance

    if ($judges <= $random) {
    die "Judges = $judges, Random = $random!!!!\n";

    my $score = relative_utility($extract, $sentjudge);

    my $normalized_ru = ($score - $random) / ($judges - $random);
return $normalized_ru;
sub precision {
    my ($extract, $standard) = @_;

    my %e;
    my %s;
    my %both;
    my $count_e = 0;
    my $count_s = 0;
    my $count_both = 0;

    foreach my $i (1..$extract->get_num_sentences) {
    my $did = $extract->get_DID_for_sentence($i);
    my $sno = $extract->get_SNO_for_sentence($i);
    $e{"$did#$sno"} = 1;

    foreach my $i (1..$standard->get_num_sentences) {
    my $did = $standard->get_DID_for_sentence($i);
    my $sno = $standard->get_SNO_for_sentence($i);
    $s{"$did#$sno"} = 1;

    foreach my $key (keys %e) {

    foreach my $key (keys %s) {

    foreach my $key (keys %both) {
    if ($both{$key} == 2) {

    my $precision = $count_both/$count_e;
return $precision;
sub precisionw {
    my ($extract, $standard) = @_;

    my %e;
    my %ew;
    my %s;
    my %sw;
    my %both;
    my $count_e = 0;
    my $count_s = 0;
    my $count_both = 0;

    foreach my $i (1..$extract->get_num_sentences) {
    my $did = $extract->get_DID_for_sentence($i);
    my $sno = $extract->get_SNO_for_sentence($i);
    my $wcnt = $extract->get_WCNT_for_sentence($i);
    $e{"$did#$sno"} = 1;
    $ew{"$did#$sno"} = $wcnt;

    foreach my $i (1..$standard->get_num_sentences) {
    my $did = $standard->get_DID_for_sentence($i);
    my $sno = $standard->get_SNO_for_sentence($i);
    my $wcnt = $standard->get_WCNT_for_sentence($i);
    $s{"$did#$sno"} = 1;
    $sw{"$did#$sno"} = $wcnt;

    foreach my $key (keys %e) {

    foreach my $key (keys %s) {

    foreach my $key (keys %both) {
    if ($both{$key} == 2) {

    my $precisionw = $count_both/$count_e;
return $precisionw;
sub recall {
    my ($extract, $standard) = @_;

    my %e;
    my %s;
    my %both;
    my $count_e = 0;
    my $count_s = 0;
    my $count_both = 0;

    foreach my $i (1..$extract->get_num_sentences) {
        my $did = $extract->get_DID_for_sentence($i);
        my $sno = $extract->get_SNO_for_sentence($i);
        $e{"$did#$sno"} = 1;

    foreach my $i (1..$standard->get_num_sentences) {
        my $did = $standard->get_DID_for_sentence($i);
        my $sno = $standard->get_SNO_for_sentence($i);
        $s{"$did#$sno"} = 1;

    foreach my $key (keys %e) {

    foreach my $key (keys %s) {

    foreach my $key (keys %both) {
        if ($both{$key} == 2) {

    my $recall = $count_both/$count_s;
return $recall;
sub recallw {
    my ($extract, $standard) = @_;

    my %e;
    my %ew;
    my %s;
    my %sw;
    my %both;
    my $count_e = 0;
    my $count_s = 0;
    my $count_both = 0;

    foreach my $i (1..$extract->get_num_sentences) {
    my $did = $extract->get_DID_for_sentence($i);
    my $sno = $extract->get_SNO_for_sentence($i);
    my $wcnt = $extract->get_WCNT_for_sentence($i);
    $e{"$did#$sno"} = 1;
    $ew{"$did#$sno"} = $wcnt;

    foreach my $i (1..$standard->get_num_sentences) {
    my $did = $standard->get_DID_for_sentence($i);
    my $sno = $standard->get_SNO_for_sentence($i);
    my $wcnt = $standard->get_WCNT_for_sentence($i);
    $s{"$did#$sno"} = 1;
    $sw{"$did#$sno"} = $wcnt;

    foreach my $key (keys %e) {

    foreach my $key (keys %s) {

    foreach my $key (keys %both) {
    if ($both{$key} == 2) {

    my $recallw = $count_both/$count_s;
return $recallw;
sub relative_utility {
    my ($extract, $sentjudge) = @_;

    my $score = 0;
    my $size = $extract->get_num_sentences;
    my $num_judges = $sentjudge->get_num_judges;
    foreach my $snum (1 .. $size) {
    foreach my $jnum (1 .. $num_judges) {
        my $did = $extract->get_DID_for_sentence($snum);
        my $sno = $extract->get_SNO_for_sentence($snum);

        my $util = $sentjudge->get_judgment($jnum, $did, $sno);

        my $judge_score = $util / 
$sentjudge->get_judge_utility_for_extract_size($jnum, $size);
$score += $judge_score; } } $score /= $num_judges;
return $score;
sub relevance_correlation {
sub simple_cosine {
    my ($text1, $text2) = @_;

    ## again, a better way to split????
my @tokens1 = split(/ /, $text1); my @tokens2 = split(/ /, $text2); my %set1; my %set2; foreach my $token (@tokens1) { $set1{$token}++; } foreach my $token (@tokens2) { $set2{$token}++; } my $cos = 0; foreach my $key (keys %set1) { if ( $set2{$key} ) { $cos++; } } $cos = $cos / sqrt ( (scalar keys %set1) * (scalar keys %set2) );
return $cos;
sub unigram_overlap {
    my ($text1, $text2) = @_;

    ## better way to split?  Maybe get rid of some punctuation???
my @tokens1 = split(/ /, $text1); my @tokens2 = split(/ /, $text2); my %set1 = (); my %set2 = (); foreach my $token (@tokens1) { $set1{$token}++; } foreach my $token (@tokens2) { $set2{$token}++; } my $overlap = _set_overlap(\%set1,\%set2); my $normalized = $overlap /
( scalar(keys(
%set1)) + scalar(keys(%set2)) - $overlap);
return $normalized;

General documentation

No general documentation available.